I'll be honest, I'm pretty bored right now. It's a Thursday night and I've been blown off not once but twice. Also, nothing of interest is on tv right now. Chris Rock's stand up comedy was by far the most entertaining thing there was to watch. That guy says some pretty funny shit! Anyways, this set of circumstances led me to rely on reading as my source of entertainment. Why I picked up my writing text book to read is a good question. I'm still not completely sure why. But since I've already browsed through the first 20 pages I'll leave my thoughts.
One thing that caught my attention over everything else I read was the manner in which the author chose to write about Starbucks. By writing down observations in the coffee shop the writer was able to have a first hand account of what he was writing about. Sure he probably could have written about Starbucks from his home computer and I'm sure it would have turned out just fine but a first hand account can only help a writer write about his or her subject.
Another topic that was of interest to me was the word as being a giant text. Some of the examples the author gave I found to be quite true. As a psychology major I find myself trying to analyze and interpret situations and personalities all the time. I also do a great deal of reading books and I agree with the concept of forming and reforming opinions upon new information you obtain through reading. Watching the documentary "Food Inc." made me look at fast food in a completely different manner. Before I watched it I was aware that McDonald's was far from an ideal choice of food and that animals were inevitably treated as inhumanly as possible in order to make the american dream of a greasy, carb-filled double cheeseburger super sized with an order of fries and a coke possible. However by watching the film I was able to "rethink" the way I eat and I explored the moral issues as well. Now I don't think that the satisfaction of eating at McDonald's is worth the moral guilt I would have once I was finished.
Class Cancelled 3/15
14 years ago