Monday, March 1, 2010

Gender Conflict

I probably could write a 10 page paper on all my thoughts on gender equality, double standards for women, and feminism but I don't have that kind of time. I feel that the expectations for men to live up to masculine ideals and women to live up to feminine ideals seriously diminishes the freedom of an individual. In addition it also hinders them from reaching their full potential. So many individuals do things that they don't neccessarily agree with just because that is what has been presented to them as normal for their gender. They also may not do many things that they have a desire to do because it would be breaking the gender line and exposing them to ridicule from others. This is sad because for many people this could cause a lot of unwanted stress and other personal complications.

FEMINISM. I think feminism has gone away from its true meaning in many ways. Feminism is supposed to be a view shared by both men and women (although majority probably are women) that both genders should be set equal to one another. SOME (not all) feminists have taken feminism to such an extreme though that they have actually become sexist. I have read two feminism books in my life. The one book in my opinion demonstrated feminism as a truely equal divide between genders. The other was very offensive to me as it basically was 200 pages of bashing men and everything they do. This is very unfortunate because the "radical" feminists make up only a small majority of the total feminists but they often attract the most attention. In many cases this attention comes off as sexist wheather they mean to or not.

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